
Birdies & Benders

Small Community/Business Design - Series


Rethink, Toronto/Montreal/Vancouver/New York
t: 416-583-2178
w: rethinkideas.com

Client: Birdies & Benders Chief Creative Officer: Aaron Starkman Chief Strategy Director: Sean McDonald Executive Creative Director, Design: Hans Thiessen Executive Creative Director: Leia Rogers, Morgan Tierney Art Director: Brandon Methner Designer: Brandon Methner Writer: Morgan Tierney, Brandon Methner Animator: Ignacio Florez Photographer: Jan Matthew Snarski Studio Artist: Tom Pettapiece Producer: Sarah. Lee, April Haffenden, Scott Russell Account Manager: Jessica Manson Printer: Winston Lo, Creative Boulevard

A women-led golf apparel brand. Birdies & Benders is all about flipping golf’s high-brow image on its head, choosing to celebrate friends, drinks, and a good time out on the green instead. To reflect the fun, free-spirited nature of the brand, we crafted an equally unstuffy identity. Everything – from the colour palette to the typographic details – was chosen intentionally to flip traditional golf aesthetics on their head – as if the graphics were a few drinks in. To push the fun-factor, rowdy still-life photography and a humorous suite of illustrated graphics were also created, ensuring the brand never misses when promoting a new drop on socials. Fore!
