Qu’on se le dise | Let it be Known
Public Service/Charity - Series
Compagnie et cie, Montreal, QC
t: 514-815-0740
e: info@compagnieetcie.com
w: compagnieetcie.com
Design Studio: Compagnie et cie Client: Transplant Québec Media Agency: Code Marketing
Winning Website: compagnieetcie.com
Transplant Québec launched a campaign during National Organ and Tissue Donation Week to promote open discussion about organ donation. With the theme Ne gardez pas tout ça en dedans (Don't keep it all inside) our aim was to spark frank conversations to become donors. Despite media saturation, we utilized innovation and social media to break taboos and engage our audience directly. Our goal was to make this week unforgettable, fostering hope and mobilization. Mission accomplished!