Our 30th Anniversary Issue is Published!

March 1, 2016

Our 30th Anniversary Issue is Published!


Well, it's finally here! Our 30th anniversary edition is packed with more editorial than ever before. Join us down memory lane as we revisit work from our awards archive and discuss 30 ways the creative industry landscape has changed since 1986. 


We're also kicking off our yearlong Evolution series, an in-depth look at a technological advancement, with the history of desktop publishing. Hear from our founder, Georges Haroutiun, on what it was like "back in the day" — onerous, to say the least. 


There's a lot more great content in this issue, which was printed by Mi5 Print + Digital on Cougar® Super Smooth 100lb Cover and 80lb Text, but you'll have to pick up a copy to find out!


The cover and interior pages were cleverly conceived by our new design directors at Tung. Emily Tu and Edmond Ng, sole proprietors of the Toronto-based studio, represent the future of design in this country and are just the kind of Canadian talent Georges wanted to recognize when he started Applied Arts all those years ago. They approached our magazine with the same careful consideration that Georges did — those of you familiar with the early days of Applied Arts will see a homage in the redesign, from some of the typographic treatments (including our brand-new masthead!) to the strong editorial sensibility. 


We also have a new tagline! Create. Celebrate. speaks exactly to what we do at Applied Arts, and that is to recognize and promote the work that our creative audience makes. Our content is still very much focused on Canadian talent, but this new tagline speaks to our broader international audience. 


The March/April issue is on newsstands this week. If you love what you see, get the next five issues delivered directly to your mailbox and tablet with a combined print and digital subscription at $60 CDN plus tax for the year.


Head over to our Subscribe page for more details and digital-only subscription pricing, or contact our circulation assistant at assistant[at]appliedartsmag.com for more details and single-copy print sales. If you'd like to purchase just a single copy of the current issue, visit our virtual newsstand here. (Due to technical difficulties, the digital edition will be available later this week).
