Tall People

Experimental/Artistic - Single


lg2, Quebec, QC
t: 418-263-8901
e: infoqc@lg2.com
w: lg2.com

Creative Director: Luc Du Sault Writer: Camille Gagnon Art Director: Luc Du Sault Project Manager: Félix Blanchet-Lévesque Director: Julien Roy Producer: Alexis Dubosc

Like any other beer brand, Farnham wants to promote their product where their main target audience is spending time and money during the summer: in music festivals. But, as a microbrewery, Farnham can't afford to advertise or become a sponsor in major music festivals. That's why we needed to find a creative and affordable idea that could catch people's attention.Since Farnham is known all across the province for its bitterness, used the number one thing that makes people bitter during a music festivals.
